Feeling lately like the summer passed me by too quickly.
I walk to work most days when the weather is nice and I sometimes walk by the same people over and over. Since when do I not say hello, or even give them a smile? What happened? I want to slow down a bit more and appreciate my city, my community and the people around me.
In our busy lives I feel like it's really the relationships that we make that matter the most. You can get a mortgage anywhere, money is money. But I think it's about the relationships that you make that are the most important.
It's not all about money.
I've met people with a lot of money that are not happy. And I've met people with very little who seem to have richer lives than most. In the end, it doesn't matter how much money you made or how many houses you own. It's about the relationships that you made along the way.
Feeling a shift coming.
Today I wore a colorful blazer. I usually wear black, white, grey. Simply adding color to my outfit and I've already made conversations with strangers and smiled at those walking by.
It's a great start but there's a lot more work that I have to do.